Thinking about adding more different stuff to this blog. Other than just architecture stuff. Art in and of itself seems to be coming back into my life. The business of the past year has been grueling and I'm really thinking, "Where have I been?! Where am I going?"
Went and bought art supplies at Dick Blick in the Loop. Walking through, putting acrylic tubes and brushes into the shopping basket, I forgot that I used to do more of this, not too long ago. what happened to all those supplies? Then I remember the fire at my Uptown apartment some years back. I guess that's when I lost all my materials. Boyfriend helped me get some hardboard to paint on. Need to get some wood to create a box for the frames. Here's my first attempts at murals some 10 years ago ...

The arched one for for a theater and the columns was for one of the actors in the theater.
Some cheasy subject matter. I was looking at how to paint clouds, shadows, perspective. An the actor wanted something with columns. Would Diego be proud? I doubt it. Would he take me under his arm and show me the way? Hopefully. Would Michelangelo take me in? Probably not he hated to paint! In any event, I realized at that point I liked to work big. Here's a dresser I painted. I kind of like this one. He he ...

This was also done some 10 years ago. It sold within the week.
Seeing these images again and buying those art supplies and hanging around other cooky creative types reminded me what I really love to do. Celebrated my 40th birthday this past December. Got me thinking about things. Like, "Ain't nothing left but to do it." So stay tuned ...