Can't wait to get back to Denver to see the new Daniel Libeskind addition to the Denver Art Museum. Incredible! The other buildings are iconic and "sculptural" themselves but look at this?! This thing looks like it erupted from the ground. POW!
Just started reading Libeskind's "Breaking Ground" and he described how while airborn over the Denver Rockies he was inspired by the geography and forces of the earth that shaped Denver - craggy mountains and plains. And looking at this building, he sure brought his point home. The things looks like it's in motion. It almost feels like there are forces building to push the pieces into a different composition. Next thing you know SNAP! Earthquake.
Also in his book, Libeskind talks about how buildings should evoke an emotional response and that a building can in and of itself change a life (hopefully for the better). AMEN!!! I've believed (and still cling to) this truth since I first transferred into architec-torture from pre-med psych in college. It is refreshing to hear this. It is energizing.
We don't need another hero?! I say we do. Sorry Tina. No offense.
Also in the book Liebeskind contrasted his work with the Modern masters of the mid-20th century saying his architecture is more about the feeling rather than hiding feelings under a composed and regular-I-dare-say design. Don't quite agree with Daniel on this one. Mies and the idealism of early Modernist movement express powerful feeling with very little noise. Not ready to ditch, "Less is more".
Still though, love the building. I feel changed already.